Basics of Laravel Artisan Console

In Today’s advanced technological world, developers are keener to use the method that automates the Development Process. Laravel artisan console helps them by providing a wide range of useful commands for scaffolding the structure of the application using various tasks, such as creating controllers, models, migrations, middleware, seeder, jobs, listeners, mail, notifications, publishing package assets, and much more. 

Artisan Console is the command line integration tool provided by laravel to run laravel commands. It extends Symfony’s Console component, one of the most powerful console libraries in existence. 

Using the list command in CLI within your laravel project folder, you can get the list of all available commands for the installed version of laravel. 

List Command: “php artisan list” 

You can have a detailed idea about every command using the help screen that will give you the detailed knowledge of that command like Description, Usage, Arguments, and Options. 

Command Help : php artisan help <command-name> 

Sometimes it may also happen that your requirement of automating the application’s development process does not match to use of the existing list of commands, No worries! In addition to the Built-in commands, It also provides a feature to create your custom command to improve your workflow. To create a new command, you can use the “make:command” Artisan command.

It is basically stored in the app/Console/Commands directory. If this directory does not exist, it will create one when you execute the command the first time to make a custom console command. You can also choose your storage location if you want, as your commands can be loaded by Composer. 

Custom Command: php artisan make: command <command-name> 

Once the command is generated, you need to define the suitable value for the “Signature” and “description” properties of the class. These properties will be used when displaying your command in the list. You can also define your command’s input requirements in the signature property. Next is the “handle” method which is called when your command is executed. So, all the logic related to the command will go in this method. 

Though artisan commands are designed to be run from the command line, you can also execute them programmatically from the route or controller in your laravel application. you can implement it using an Artisan facade. It has two methods call() and queue(). You can either call a command using Artisan::call() or queue a command using Artisan::queue(). queue() is generally used to make the process in a queue like an email sending and all. 

Like the route clouser as an alternative to the controller, there is also an alternative to the console command named “closure command”. Within the commands method of your app/Console/Kernel.php file, Laravel loads the routes/console.php file. Within this file, you can define all the closure-based console commands using the Artisan::command method. 

I hope this article helped you understand the basic concept of “Laravel Artisan Console”. If you have any queries, we are here for you to assist you. We have an efficient team of Laravel developers that can take you to achieve an amazing experience with your Web/Mobile application development with a quality product in a cost-effective way.Take a tour for the services provided by us and get in touch. 

This blog is written by Shreya Shah, Team Lead  at Tridhya Innovation 



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